Here’s my last post in which I’m sharing some of the writing craft wisdom my friend, Lauri Klobas, shared with me during a few intense months in which she taught me how to edit my badly over-written prose.

Not all of the advice she gave me had to do with trimming back needless description, though. She helped me define a few secondary characters that weren’t coming across well, either because their motivation or role in the story was unfocused, or they were (no writer likes to hear this) coming across as a type, as cliche, not as individuals. She had one great tip for me that I’ve used since whenever any character, whether a viewpoint character or a secondary character who has an important role to play, has been less than forthcoming about their motives and goals (secondary characters do have goals too).

Lauri on: Getting a Handle on Secondary Characters & their Motivations

~ What I like to do in cases like this, is write something that will never be in the bookโ€”like the scene between [two secondary characters, up to no good] when they plan this. Sometimes, once you set them to talking, you can find out all sorts of interesting things about them that you didnโ€™t knowโ€ฆ and you get a better handle on what they know, and when, and itโ€™s easier to show it to the other characters in the course of the story.

Max, one of the rescued kitties Lauri took into her home and heart, enjoying the LA sun. 

Thanks for remembering Lauri with me this week!

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