Be sure to stop in at Carrie Pagels’s blog, Overcoming Through Time, today for an interview with one of my favorite authors, Liz Curtis Higgs.
Among other novels and non-fiction books (Bad Girls of the Bible, Embrace Grace) Liz writes Scottish historicals based Old testament stories like that of Jacob, Leah & Rachel, and of Ruth, Naomi & Boaz. These are my favorites of her books, as I have a soft spot for all things Scottish, and those Scots tend to find their way into my own stories.
Come on over to Overcoming Through Time.
Can you believe I haven't read any Liz Curtis Higgs books???? (blushing furiously). But I was a Christian Fiction late-bloomer and I need time to make it up (and less stellar new releases to keep up with — perish the thought!)
Oh Kav, get ready to dive into that pool. The first book of Liz's I read was Bookends, a contemporary romance. Loved it for its humor and depth. Then I found Thorn in My Heart. Loved it even more. I've read all her novels since Thorn, and some of her nonfiction too.