Recently author Diana Gabaldon gave her readers a blog tour of her research library. While I wish I had the capacious shelves she does (and the avid readers!), my research library-in-the-making is admittedly quite a bit smaller. At present, it’s scattered about in smaller sections organized in a manner that makes sense to me, but might not be readily apparent to the casual observer. 

There’s my main bookcase (photo at left), organized roughly by subject.

Top shelf: Native American Tribes
Second shelf (l-rt): North Carolina; Plantation-related subjects; General 18th century Life

 Third shelf: Oversized General 18th century subjects; clothing; warfare; trades
Fourth shelf: Slavery and Race subjects

Small Bookcase
Top shelf: 18th Century Herbals; Naturalists; Food; Medicine; Cooking
Second shelf: Scottish historical subjects (a good half of those are pulled out and elsewhere); miscellaneous

On the side board: Books I’ve read for recently completed manuscripts & books I’ll need for upcoming edits on completed manuscripts, so I want them quickly to hand. 

On the desk: (l) books of interest yet to be read, but no pressing need. (rt) Books I’ve read for the current novel in progress, but want to keep near to hand. 

Another stack of books of interest I hope to get to one of these days.

Current research I’m working through. These books tend to wander from room to room as needed.

In the upper cabinet of my desk: Writing craft books.

The chair where I keep books that need to be sorted, shelved, or returned eventually to the library. 

I have lots of other shelves of books (all my fiction, and more nonfiction), but these are those that pertain exclusively to my 18th century research and fiction writing. Go ahead and read the titles if you want. I don’t mind. Just click for a larger view.

Do you have a research library? Do you keep it tidy and organized, or a bit haphazard like mine? See any book that piques your interest?

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