Copy edits for The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn have just arrived in my inbox. I’m very pleased and excited to dive back into this story after a few weeks away from it. I’ve been working on three other stories in various states of completion (two of them in first draft) and so I feel I’ve gained good mental distance from Tamsen, Jesse, and the rest of the gang–a necessary element for an editing pass to be effective.

Copy edits are an author’s last chance to make changes to her story. There will be one more read through of the galleys in a few weeks’ time, but that is meant to be a proofread only, not another edit. So, this is it.

And I have a rather bad cold that I’m working through, so I would appreciate prayers for my stamina and health over the next two weeks (through Thanksgiving, yes) while I read through the manuscript and tackle the copy edits, and anything else that needs tweaking and polishing.

Deadline is December 5th.

Thank you for your prayers!

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