Happy Valentines Day!

I wanted to post a heart-felt thank you to readers who have already obtained a copy of The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn via Blogging For Books. I’ve been told you are “gobbling them up” there and I so appreciate that. A few of you have already left reviews at BFB, and on Goodreads. Thank you!

For those of you who responded to my call for influencers and are expecting an ARC in the mail, they’re all well on the way to you now, so watch for them. If you get a chance, drop me a quick email to let me know when your copy has arrived. They’re coming to you via media mail, which can be quick… or not. If you emailed me to become an influencer, and haven’t received your ARC by the end of the month, please let me know.

On the writing front, I hope to have some news of future projects to share with you, by and by. For the time being, however, I’ve slunk into my cozy writing cave and am hunkered by the fire (literally, it’s a gas stove that looks like a wood stove and I โ™ฅ it) where I’m busy drinking coffee and researching, plotting, and writing as much as I can each day.

Which means I’m bound to be more than usually quiet here on the blog.

BUT… whenever there’s news about anything, especially as April 15th draws near, I’ll be back to give a shout out about it. I’ve got some lovely promotional pins in the works I’ll post here by and by, with the hope that you’ll help me spread the word about The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn to all your friends and connections on Pinterest.

For now, please feel free to pin this graphic for the 2 Chapter Sneak Peek, and include a link here to my website with it. https://loribenton.com/

Meanwhile, every Friday I’m adding a few non spoilery pins to the novel board there.

And I think that’s about it. I have to hurry back to the 18th century. Lots more to learn and write about, a new mountain (of a novel) to climb.


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