You would think I’d be used to it by now with two books published, having gone through the editing process, the cover design, then the interior, getting glimpses of what the finished book would look like along the way, then finally opening those big brown boxes that land on my front step and finding these inside:

But here I am, third time around, and my reaction is the same and just as strong. My heart still pounds and my hands still shake a little as I draw the first Advance Reading Copy of The Wood’s Edge from the box and it still seems surreal that once upon some random day, years ago now, I had an idea for a story, and through all the many steps, all the months of work by me and many others (it takes a village), there now exists a book. 

Hopefully it is one that blesses you, dear reader friends, with characters you will love, hours of enjoyment, and a sense of God’s presence and grace.

Come April 21!

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