Are back covers of books worth getting excited about? If you are the author, and it took you four years to write the book, another two to edit it, and ten more for it to find a publishing home, I’d say the answer is YES. I just saw it for the first time this morning and now I’m sharing it with you. Let me know what you think of it in the comments.
Many thanks to the amazing author Lynn Austin for her endorsement!!!
I still haven’t held this book baby in my hands, but that day is coming soon…
Oh, Lori, you new story looks so good! Can’t wait to read it. And Lynn did a wonderful job with the endorsement.
From an author who has written her own back cover copy…I love this. So beautifully done. Intriguing with just enough details. Did you write it, Lori? Well done!
Let me say that I HATE writing these myself. Pure torture. What to put in? What to leave out? Did I say too much? Did I make the story sound stupid? It’s an exercise filled with sefl-doubt.
Hi Patti! This was a team effort between me and Tyndale’s talented marketing and editing folk, but some of the phrasing echoes what I wrote many years ago when querying literary agents with this book (the first line in particular). Goes to show putting in that effort in the early days can save some work later on. Glad you like it. 🙂
I knew you had a new book coming out, and I even have it on my Amazon wish list, but I don’t know that I had read the description of the story. Sounds like a powerful tale!
Thanks Patty. That’s my hope and prayer. I hope you enjoy it come September!
Hi Lori! I’ve enjoyed each of your books immensely. It was so wonderful to find a Christian author who writes during the time period that you do. Over the years, I yearned to find this. I was so thankful when a friend from church introduced me to your books! I truly relish reading your books. I appreciate the time, effort, and energy you invest into each story. I don’t hurry through your books. In fact, I read them more than once. 🙂 I really appreciate the spiritual truths that you share in your stories. I realize that there’s no replacement for reading and studying God’s Word; however, it is wonderful when an author weaves His truth in the pages of their stories. They make the reader pause and reflect. Thank you for sharing your blessing of writing with your readers. I am grateful! I’m looking very forward to reading Mountain Laurel. I was so excited to see the cover reveal for it earlier this spring. I can’t wait to read it!
Hi Nicole. I can remember feeling that way too, years ago. Then I discovered Laura Frantz’s books. I hope you have too. If you haven’t, do look her up. She has many wonderful 18th century and early 19th century stories published. It’s wonderfully encouraging to hear how you read and enjoy my books. I’m excited to share these next two (Mountain Laurel and its sequel, coming in 2021) through Tyndale House Publishing.
This looks wonderful! I can’t wait to read it!
Thanks Janet! 🙂
Looks good!I like this!
Wow Lori, intriguing, looking forward to opening this story up.
Thanks Patrick!