Thanks so much for sharing your favorite fictional settings in this week’s book drawing. It’s always fun to learn what appeals to other readers. Some of you mentioned books I need to check out, and others reminded me of past loves. Now for the 10 winners of a signed copy of The King’s Mercy (+bookmark):

Alexia Bryant



Mary Koester

Joanna Politano

*Colleen Hudson

Jillian Maul

*Jenny Lang


Ane Mulligan

Congratulations! I’ve contacted some of you already. If you see a * beside your name listed above then I don’t have a way to contact you. My bad, I didn’t ask for email addresses. So please leave one in the comments on this post so I can contact you for your mailing address.

Thanks everyone for responding. It’s always fun to give away books! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

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